Jitterbug Phones for Seniors: The Perfect Solution for Seniors Struggling with Technology

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Jitterbug phones for seniors come in user-friendly designs that perfectly fit people in their golden years. Generally, these gadgets have large keys, large font sizes, and loud and clear audio. Also, compared to other conventional phones, Jitterbug phones are more affordable and ergonomic. So,  if you are a loved one or a senior who is looking for a device of practical use, Jitterbug phones are the right choice.

What are Jitterbug Phones

Jitterbug phones by Lively are mobile devices that are specially designed for seniors. They come at affordable prices and have easy-to-use features so that users can easily familiarize themselves with the practical functions of the phone.

Aside from large keys, large fonts, and loud audio, Jitterbug devices also have convenient features such as emergency calls, health alerts, free virtual doctor visits, and more. This will ensure that seniors are getting enough medical attention and care even if they are confined in their homes or if they are away from their loved ones.

Additionally, seniors can also choose their own payment plan, data plan, and add-on features upon buying one. This makes Jitterbug one of the most recommended devices for seniors.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Jitterbug Phone for Seniors

While Jitterbug phones offer many advantages to seniors, there are also a few disadvantages that seniors and loved ones should keep in mind. In this section, we will share a list of the pros and cons of Jitterbug phones.


  • Easy-to-view screens - Jitterbug phones are designed to have wide and bright screens with large fonts. This makes the device easier to use by seniors with poor eyesight.
  • Affordable plans - For as low as 14.99 dollars a month, you can access Jitterbug’s health and safety features along with other practical features like brain games, call, text, and data. Health and safety packages start at 19.99 dollars a month to as much as 34.99 dollars a month.
  • Loud audio speakers - This is helpful to seniors with hearing impairments due to age. Loud audio speakers ensure that seniors do not miss getting alerts and important messages on their devices.
  • Ergonomic design - Jitterbug’s large keys, wide screens, large fonts, and loudspeakers are all made on purpose to make it easier and more comfortable for seniors to use the devices.
  • All-time access to health services - By availing of health and safety plans, you can have unlimited access to health services and alerts.
  • Include mind-stimulating games -  Unlike other conventional phones, Jitterbug phones include brain-stimulating games perfect for seniors who have declining cognitive abilities. These games will exercise the brain to think and analyze, which can possibly reduce the risk of cognitive decline among seniors.
  • Flexible data and payment plans - Jitterbug phones also come with affordable text, call, and data plans. For only 50 dollars a month, you can access unlimited texts, calls, and data. Cheaper plans are also available.
  • Include health alerts and emergency services - Jitterbug phones also come with health and safety features which we will discuss in the next parts of the article.


  • Short battery life - The battery life of Jitterbug phones usually lasts for only a day so it’s important to have your charger with you at all times if you want to continue the use of the device.
  • Non-waterproof devices - Jitterbug phones are generally not waterproof.
  • Limited device models - Jitterbug has only two models to offer as of now which are the Jitterbug Flip2 and the Jitterbug Smart3.

Top Jitterbug Phones

Jitterbug phones offer a lot of benefits to seniors. In fact, according to most reviews, senior users are overall satisfied with their devices. There are generally two models to choose from including:

  1. Jitterbug Flip2 - For 99.99 dollars, you can avail of the Jitterbug Flip2 phone. Unlike conventional flip phones out there, Jitterbug Flip2 comes with advanced features like the 5Star button located at the outer edge of the handset. When this button is pressed, the user will be connected directly to a Lively monitoring agent to get information about the user’s need or emergency. Other than that, this device also comes with other health and safety features based on the plan you choose.
  2. Jitterbug Smart3 - If you’re in for a phone that looks and functions like a modern typical smartphone, Jitterbug Smart3 is a good option. Just like Flip2, it comes with the 5Star feature only that it’s in an app form. Other than that, health and safety features like Med Coach and Urgent Care are also available and can easily be accessed through the device’s built-in apps. For only 149.99 dollars, you will also enjoy additional features like voice typing, a crystal clear camera, large fonts, and internet access. This makes Jitterbug Smart3 one of the best smartphones for seniors in the modern day.

Jitterbug Health and Safety Features

Buying a Jitterbug phone will give you a wide variety of health and safety features you can choose from. These include:

  • Urgent Care - Urgent care is a health feature in Jitterbug phones wherein, users can get access to health consultations from certified doctors or nurses without having to set an appointment. This can simply be done by using the Urgent Care app on your phone.
  • Personal Operator - This feature assists users in finding contacts or addresses.
  • Lively Link - This is a helpful feature for caregivers and loved ones. They just have to install the Lively Link app on their smartphone device so that they can have access to the status of their elderly loved one’s phone or get notified whenever they press the 5Star button.
  • 5Star Service - This feature includes a button or an app that seniors can press or use whenever they have an emergency, medical need, or trouble with places and directions. Every time the users use the 5Star feature, they will be directed to a Lively agent who will assess and address their problem. The service works 24/7, so seniors can use this feature anytime and anywhere.
Jitterbug Pricing

Pricing of Jitterbug devices will vary depending on the type of plan you choose. Below is an overview of Jitterbug’s pricing and payment plans.

Monthly Calls, Texts, and Data Plans

Plans for Jitterbug Flip2 only cater to calls and texts and not data. Plans include:

  • Value Calls and Texts - This plan costs 14.99 dollars per month and includes 300 minutes of calls and costs 10 cents for every text message.
  • Unlimited Calls and Texts - This plan costs 19.99 dollars per month and includes unlimited calls and texts.

Jitterbug Smart3 includes plans for calls, texts, and data.

  • Value Calls and Texts - This plan costs 14.99 dollars per month which includes 300 minutes of calls and 10 cents per text message.
  • Unlimited Calls and texts - This plan costs 19.99 dollars per month which includes unlimited calls and texts.
  • Unlimited Calls, Texts, and Data - This plan costs 49.99 dollars per month which includes unlimited calls, texts, and internet access.
Health and Safety Feature plans

Health and safety features are available on both Jitterbug Flip2 and Jitterbug Smart3.

  • Basic Plan - This costs 19.99 dollars which includes the 5Star service feature.
  • Preferred Plan - This costs 24.99 dollars and includes features like the 5Star service, Urgent Care, and Lively Link.
  • Ultimate Plan - This costs 34.99 dollars and includes features like the 5Star service, Urgent Care, Lively Link, and Personal Operator.

Final Word

Jitterbug phones offer a lot of benefits. Although they have several drawbacks like short battery life, limited models, and non-waterproof devices, these are compensated with various practical features like medical and safety alert systems.

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