Medical Alert Systems for Seniors: Emergency Assistance at Your Fingertips

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Medical alert systems for seniors promote both health and safety among the elderly especially those who have health issues and those who live alone. There are generally two types of medical alert systems, the in-home type and the on-the-go type, both of which will be discussed in the next parts of the article.

If you are looking for the best medical alert systems on the market, we will share a list of some of the most top-rated products. Along with this, we will also share other information that might be useful for your finding.

What are Medical Alert Systems?

Medical alert systems refer to devices that enable loved ones to monitor their elderly loved ones remotely to make sure they are safe and healthy. It also allows the senior to get help immediately in times of emergencies. This works by pressing the help button on the device which will then automatically contact a loved one or caregiver who will provide the needed assistance.

Medical alert systems can be in the form of wearable, wall-mounted, or small hand-held devices that are accessible and user-friendly.

What are the Benefits?

Aside from keeping seniors safe, medical alert systems offer other benefits to the elderly such as the following.

  • Offers loved ones peace of mind - Whether the elderly loved one is living far away or is in a nursing home facility, loved ones will have peace of mind knowing that their loved one is monitored. Some medical alert systems also notify a loved one or caregiver whenever there is an emergency or health risk.
  • Promote a sense of independence - Knowing that they are monitored remotely, seniors can live alone if they want to without needing assistance. They are also in control of what activities to do and when to do them without the fuss of calling a caregiver or loved one for assistance.
  • Has a variety of options to choose from - Mobile alert systems come in a variety of forms. It can be a small device worn as a bracelet, necklace, or watch. Some are installed at home to monitor living space. There are also types that can be tracked using GPS.
  • It is lightweight and easy to use - While they come in a variety of forms, most medical alert systems today are lightweight and easy to familiarize with. Wearable types are also very convenient to use since they come in discreet and stylish designs.
  • Monitors living environment - In-home types of medical alert systems usually have environmental sensors wherein the device can detect if there are high levels of carbon dioxide or if there is fire. In times of these situations, the device will also automatically contact fire responders or monitoring centers for immediate response.

Types of Medical Alert Systems for Seniors

There are generally two types of medical alert systems which are:

  1. In-home type - From the term itself, in-home medical alert systems are devices that are installed on a wall at home. Along with the main device are other accessories like wearables, voice extenders, or wall buttons. The wearables can be in the form of a necklace, watch, or bracelet but these can only function when they are in enough proximity to the main device or base station device.
  2. On-the-go type - On-the-go types are the opposite of in-home types. This is also called a mobile medical alert system wherein it can function even outdoors and usually has rechargeable batteries. Also, unlike in-home types, on-the-go types have GPS tracking feature that helps loved ones keep track of their elderly loved one with the places they visit.

There are subtypes of on-the-go medical alert systems which are the following:

  • Pocket-base stations - This type comes with a base station along with a wristband or necklace that seniors wear. When going out, it’s crucial to bring with you the speaker and microphone before heading out.
  • All-in-one mobile medical alert system - This comes in the form of a lanyard or belt clip that is worn by the senior when going out.  It’s more lightweight than a pocket-base station since you have only one device to wear and track.
  • Smartwatches - If you are looking for a modern approach to medical alert systems, the smartwatch type is a good option.
  • Bluetooth medical alerts - This type of alert system can be connected to your smartphone.
Best Medical Alert Systems for Seniors

The following are the top-rated medical alert systems for seniors that you should consider buying:

Medical Guardian

Medical Guardian is one of the renowned companies that develop medical alert systems for the elderly. It has also undergone successful accreditation with the BBB Accreditation which means it guarantees quality service and products. Moreover, Medical Guardian offers a variety of options to choose from at a reasonable price.

The only downside of Medical Guardian though, is the additional charges and fees you need to pay if you avail add-on features like fall detection.

Mobile Help

Just like Medical Guardian, Mobile Help offers a wide variety of options, affordable prices, and fast response time. Response time refers to the period between the time the user pressed the emergency button and the time when the device automatically calls a loved one or an emergency hotline. Also, with its high satisfaction ratings, Mobile Help guarantees quality services for its customers at all times.

Bay Alarm Medical

If you’re looking for a combination of quality and affordability, Bay Alarm Medical is a good choice. It is one of the most affordable medical alert systems on the market. For as low as 25 dollars a month, you can now avail of an in-home type of medical alert system. Though plan options may not be as many as its other competitors, the options available have features that can cater to seniors’ primary needs.

Life Fone

Life Fone is a high-rated company when it comes to discounts, promos, and free services. It comes with no extra fees, a lifetime warranty, and discounts for selected policies. Thus, the company makes a good candidate for seniors looking up to save extra dollars for a medical alert system.


Lively, aside from its famous mobile phones for seniors, also offers a variety of options when it comes to Medical alert systems. It offers services like fall detection, nurse on-call, and emergency button. Moreover, you’ll benefit from affordable prices and plans, which is a good option for seniors who prefer budget-friendly products but of a high-quality standard.

Final Word

Having a medical alert system with your senior loved one offers many benefits. Not only does it provide safety and security among seniors, but it also ensures loved ones that their elderly loved one is safe and healthy even if they live far away. You can choose between in-home and on-the-go types of medical alert systems depending on the senior’s preference and lifestyle.

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