12 Anti-Alzheimer’s Habits: Unlocking the Secrets to a Sharp Mind

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Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common chronic brain diseases among seniors that later on progress into Dementia. This disease affects people in many ways. Most cases include troubles in reasoning, decision-making, remembering, and doing basic tasks.

Unfortunately, a cure for Alzheimer’s is still yet to be developed, but experts say that there are ways to slow the progression or prevent the onset of the disease. In this article, I will share valuable information about Alzheimer’s disease and 12 anti-Alzheimer habits that you should follow.

Alzheimer’s Disease Causes

The main causes of Alzheimer’s are still yet to be discovered, but most researchers claimed that there are significant factors that contribute to the person’s risk of having the disease. The major factors include:

  1. Age - This is one of the most common risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. According to an article published by the National Institute of Aging, it stated that most cases of Alzheimer’s begin in the early or mid-60s. This is referred to as the late-onset variety. In rare cases, the disease begins as early as the mid-30s, which is referred to as the early-onset variety.
  2. Family History - If you have a family member who has Alzheimer's disease, it’s more likely that you will eventually have it too.
  3. Heredity - Experts claimed that our genes are one of the culprits of Alzheimer’s. According to the National Institute of Aging, these genes have two categories which are the risk genes and the deterministic genes. Risk genes, from the term itself, are responsible for increasing the risk of the disease. On the other hand, deterministic genes are the ones that cause the disease itself.
  4. Chronic Conditions - Conditions like heart disease and diabetes are said to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease among seniors.
  5. Life Style - Unhealthy lifestyles such as too much drinking and smoking are also proven to increase your risk of Alzheimer’s. Additionally,  stressors, head injuries, or depression can also worsen the symptoms if not addressed.
  6. Head Injury - According to research, seniors with a history of traumatic head injury are more at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than those who don’t have it.

Alzheimer’s Disease Signs and Symptoms

Alzheimer’s, especially in the beginning stages can be hard to distinguish from cognitive decline, but here are some early signs of Alzheimer’s that you should look out for.

  • Frequently forgetting schedules, plans, or events.
  • Frequently repeating statements or questions.
  • Easily get lost in places they are familiar with.
  • Trouble expressing oneself.
  • Forgetting names, close relatives, and family members.
  • Trouble thinking, planning, or reasoning.
  • Trouble accomplishing basic tasks.
  • Mood swings and irritability.

Note: Symptoms may vary from person to person, and as the disease progresses, the more these symptoms intensify. If you notice a loved one showing the symptoms frequently, it would be better to consult a doctor to confirm if the person has Alzheimer’s disease.

12 Habits You Should Do To Avoid Alzheimer’s Disease

Though there is still no proven cure for Alzheimer’s, experts believe that there are still ways in reducing your risk of the disease. Listed below are just several healthy habits against Alzheimer’s disease.

Stay Active

Exercise and physical activity doesn’t only benefit your physical health, but it also maintains good cardiovascular and mental health. If you’re a starter, opt for stretching, aerobic, and strength training exercises.

Starting and keeping up with your exercise routine can be hard. To help you with that here are a few tips to keep you going:

  • Choose the exercises that you find enjoyable.
  • Do various types of exercises.
  • Join a workout or fitness club to keep you motivated.

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

One of the risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease is chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. One of the reasons why people get these conditions is due to poor diet.

Thus, to avoid triggering other risk factors of Alzheimer’s, we should start eating a healthy diet. A good diet is composed of greens, vegetables, fruits, protein, grains, and nuts. Experts say that the best diet to practice when you are older is the Mediterranean diet.

Quit Smoking

Smoking, though it may not be evident at first, can cause many diseases later in life that included a higher risk of Alzheimer’s. Thus, if you want to achieve a healthier body, you better stop smoking now and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Avoid Too Much Alcohol

Just like smoking, too much alcohol also affects your overall health. To reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other chronic illnesses, it’s better to limit or better yet stop alcohol drinking.

Exercise Your Brain

Stimulating your brain from time to time is beneficial for your brain health. Our brain is just like a machine, wherein if not used for a long time, it will no longer function properly.

To prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s it’s better to keep your brain challenged. You can do this in many ways such as learning a new skill, joining workshops, or playing mind-stimulating games like chess.

Get Regular Checkups

To keep track of how your mental health is doing, get regular visits to your doctor. You and your doctor can even catch the early signs of Alzheimer’s and be able to create procedures of slowing down its progress.

Avoid Stress

Stress is one factor that triggers various mental and brain diseases. Thus, keeping yourself away from unnecessary stressors can give major relief to your mental health.

It’s also important to treat anxiety and depression as soon as possible to prevent them from getting worse. Additionally, learning proper stress management can help keep your brain healthy despite being exposed to different stressors.

Get Good Quality Sleep

Getting regular sleep is another healthy habit to avoid Alzheimer’s disease. Many studies have proven that good quality sleep helps in removing the toxins in your brain and improving memory and thinking. The best way to establish a good quality of sleep is to:

  • Sleep on a fixed schedule.
  • Avoid using your phone, television, or laptop at least an hour before you sleep.
  • Get a check-up if you have difficulty sleeping.

Maintain Social Engagement

Chronic loneliness is prevalent among seniors and it may give you a higher chance of developing Alzheimer’s. Maintaining social engagement will avoid chronic loneliness, thus reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s as well. Not only that, but social engagement also keeps your brain stimulated through conversation and communication skills.

Maintain Normal Weight

Many believe that being overweight can contribute to the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. This is because being overweight is a sign of an unhealthy diet, which is also a risk factor for Alzheimer’s.

Thus, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy weight by eating nutrient-rich foods. This will reduce your risk not only of Alzheimer’s but also of other chronic illnesses like diabetes.

Treat/Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

As mentioned earlier, cardiovascular disease is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, if you have existing diseases like high blood pressure or stroke, it’s important to follow all measures to prevent the progression of these diseases as they may trigger the onset of Alzheimer’s later in life.

Treat/Prevent Diabetes

Just like heart disease, diabetes is one factor that increases the risk of Alzheimer’s. Diabetes is usually caused by a poor and unhealthy diet, that’s why, as mentioned earlier, promoting a healthy diet will prevent you from getting diabetes, thus reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s as well.

Final Thoughts

Alzheimer’s disease is very common among seniors, and it can be caused by various factors such as age, family history, heredity, head injury, and lifestyle. Unfortunately, there is still no known cure for the disease, but following the healthy habits mentioned above can help you avoid or reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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