Why Do Seniors Have Trouble Sleeping - A Comprehensive Look at Sleep Troubles in the Elderly

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As we age, it’s common to have drastic changes in our sleeping patterns and our ability to sleep. Most seniors may experience shorter sleeping hours at night and need extra hours of naps during the day. Though this is normal for older adults, troubled sleeping that results in fatigue, irritability, and inability to focus is no longer normal and might need medical help.

Signs of Troubled Sleep or Lack of Sleep

It’s pretty normal to have changes in sleeping patterns as we age, but if you notice persistent difficulty sleeping along with other signs listed below, you probably are experiencing a sleeping disorder:

  • Difficulty falling asleep even after a tiresome day.
  • Difficulty getting back to sleep after waking up.
  • Fatigue and irritability during the day.
  • Sleepiness during the day.
  • Difficulty focusing on tasks.
  • Poor emotional and social management.

Causes of Troubled Sleep Among Seniors

Common causes of troubled sleep among seniors include:

  1. Poor sleeping habits - Drinking alcohol, too much exposure to screens before sleeping, or falling asleep while the television is on are just a few examples of poor sleeping habits that may affect the quality of your sleep. Try establishing healthier bedtime habits like sleeping early, limiting screen time at night, and keeping the environment dark and cool.
  2. Underlying medical conditions - Seniors who have chronic illnesses like osteoporosis, arthritis, body pain, or muscle pain tend to have difficulty sleeping as the pain and discomfort keep them awake. Talking to a healthcare provider may help address this issue.
  3. Medications - Certain medications have side effects that cause difficulty sleeping. Examples of medications are Corticosteroids, antidepressants, beta, and alpha-blockers. Talk to your doctor if these medications negatively impact your sleep so that s/he can provide an alternative treatment for your condition.
  4. Menopausal stage - Women in the menopausal stage may experience hot flashes, irritability, and night sweats that can affect sleep quality. Health specialists suggest that a healthy diet, regular exercise, and other therapeutic activities can help improve one’s quality of sleep.
  5. Too much stress - Various stressors can affect the quality of sleep especially if these stressors include drastic changes in one’s life like a death of a loved one, retirement, or family conflicts. Learning proper stress management and avoiding unnecessary stress can help address this problem.
  6. Lack of exercise - Being physically inactive will lessen feelings of sleepiness and tiredness which may affect regular sleep quality.
  7. Sleep Disorders - there are common sleeping disorders that may be the culprit of persistent insomnia. Learn about the most common sleeping disorders among seniors in the next section of this article.

Common Sleeping Disorders Among Seniors

The following are the most common sleeping disorders among seniors.

Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders

This type of sleeping disorder is characterized by abnormal breathing while asleep. Examples of sleep-related breathing disorders include Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Central Sleep Apnea, Hypoventilation, and Hypoxemia Disorder.

Being overweight and habitual alcohol drinking may increase one’s risk of sleep-related breathing disorders.

Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

This type of sleep disorder occurs when one’s circadian rhythm or known as the internal clock is not aligned with the external environment.

A person with a circadian rhythm sleep disorder may feel tired and sleepy too early in the evening and wake up in the middle of the night. This abnormal sleep-wake cycle is more common among seniors and can be treated by timed light exposures or a regimented sleep schedule prescribed by doctors.

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) is a sleep phase where we dream the most. The problem with REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder is that a person enacts dreams through sudden movements that may hurt his/herself or the person s/he’s sleeping with.

Unfortunately, it may take some effort and time to treat this condition, but one can establish safety precautions in the sleeping environment to avoid the risk of injuries.

Note: If you experience consistent trouble sleeping that is affecting your daily activities, it may be height time to consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

Tips For Seniors To Sleep Better

We, seniors, need at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night so that we can have enough energy for the following day. However, insomnia and other sleeping disorders can greatly affect one’s energy and concentration.

You can address troubled sleeping by making a few tweaks to your sleeping time, habits, and environment. To help you with that, here are several tips you should try to get better quality of sleep.

  • Choose low-wattage bulbs - Melatonin is an essential hormone that makes you feel sleepy, however, its effect can be suppressed by bright artificial lights at night. To solve this problem, opt for bulbs that have low wattage in your sleeping area. This can boost melatonin levels which will help you sleep.
  • Switch to reading mode on your phone or tablet - Always set your phone on reading mode at night to avoid too much exposure to artificial light that may affect your sleep quality.
  • Maintain a fixed sleeping schedule - This is a good way to improve your internal clock, thus getting a better quality of sleep.
  • Limit intake of sleeping pills - Sleeping pills may be effective at first but it’s not meant for long-term use. Too much intake of sleeping pills will make your body immune to them and may even make your insomnia worse.
  • Stay away from snores - If you sleep with your partner who always snores loudly in a way that affects your sleep quality, using sleeping aids might help. Moving to another room is another good remedy.
  • Create soothing bedtime rituals - Instead of scrolling on social media, why not turn off your phone and listen to soothing music instead? You can also do meditation exercises before bed to relax your mind and get your sleep more easily.
  • Make use of naps but don’t make it longer than necessary - Taking naps are helpful to recharge yourself before doing daily tasks. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that naps should not be longer than 45 minutes to one hour. Napping longer than this may cause you to feel groggy and lazy. Additionally, the ideal time for a good nap is early in the afternoon because sleeping later in the afternoon may affect the quality of your sleep at night.

Final Word

Troubled sleeping is not uncommon among seniors, however, consistent difficulty sleeping that affects your ability to do daily tasks may need medical treatment. You can also follow the tips mentioned above to avoid trouble sleeping and even improve your sleep quality.

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